Albion Area Fair Queen & Junior Miss
Encouraging the promotion of agricultural fairs and building the bridge between today's youth and tomorrow's future.
Each year the Fair Queen winner serves as a community ambassador for the Albion Area Fair for the coming year. The Albion Area Fair Queen Contest is an annual event that we are proud to have on opening night of the fair each year. The contest has had many changes over the years, especially since the Pennsylvania State Fair Queen Contest began in 1987.
All entries must be received by July 10th of the current pageant year.
Applicants must:
● Be between ages 16-20 as of June 1st of the year entering contest
● Resides in Pennsylvania
● Have at least one entry in any department at the Albion Fair
● Not currently married, have never been married, and have never been pregnant
● May not have previously held the title of Fair Queen (local or PA State) nor hold any other title for another commodity group or pageant including another local fair queen during her reign as Albion Fair Queen or Jr. Miss
● Must act in accordance with the PA Fair Queen Behavior Policy as well as the Dress Code set forth by the Pa Fair Queen Program
Fair Queen
2024 Albion Area Fair Queen
Junior Miss contestants will follow the same judging criteria as the Queen contestants. The crowned Junior Miss will have the opportunity to attend Fair Week events alongside the Fair Queen and Alternate.
All entries must be received by July 10th of the current pageant year.
Applicants must:
● Be between ages 12 and 15 as of June 1 of the year entering the local contest and be a resident of Pennsylvania
● Have parental consent to participate in the Junior Miss Pageant
● Must act in accordance with the PA Fair Queen Behavior Policy as well as the Dress Code set forth by the PA Fair Queen Program
Junior Miss
2024 Albion Area Fair Junior Miss
The Albion Area Fair Queen program is thrilled to announce the first ever Princess Pageant! Girls ages 8 - 11 will have the opportunity to be crowned the Albion Area Fair Queen Princess and help the Albion Fair Queen and Junior Miss as they participate in activities on Saturday of the Fair. Space is limited as we only have 12 spots to fill! Registration is ONLINE ONLY beginning August 1-7. The Princess Pageant will be held on Saturday at 12 p.m. at the grandstand. Please see the full list of rules below.
Applicants must:
● Be female, between ages 8 - 11 years old (age as of June 1 of current year)
● Must attend a mandatory meeting at the Upper Fair Office on August 17, 2024 at 6 p.m. (contestants may NOT wear a “gown”); this is required for all participants and their parent(s)/guardian(s)
● Be ready to be asked two questions on stage and will be judged on poise, presence, and completion of the question
● Write an essay on the topic: “What My Fair Means To Me” — Princess contestants should use 75 words or less; essays are to be typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font; at the top of the paper, type “Princess Contestant: (child’s FIRST name)” in the upper right hand corner; please include total word count on the bottom right of the page (word count does not include the title); essays are judged on content, grammar, and spelling; all essays are due on or before September 1, 2024 and should be sent via e-mail to albionareafairqueenpageant@gmail.com
● If crowned “Princess,” be expected to participate in all activities with the Albion Area Fair Queen and Junior Miss on Saturday of the fair
Fair Princess Pageant
2024 Albion Area Fair Princess
A Representative at the State Level
The state contest is held each year in January. All contestants for the PA State Fair Queen must apply through their local fair and follow the rules set for by the State Fair Queen Committee.
1. The girls will be judged on: poise, appearance (two casual outfits), neatness, ability to communicate (speaking ability), and knowledge of the fair industry.
2. A written essay will be required to be submitted on the topic: “What My Fair Means To Me” (300 words or less).
3. Must present at the state competition a speech on “Why You Should Come To My Fair” (3-5 minutes).
4. Will compete in the state competition held in January.
5. All contestants will receive an individual gift, and the winner and the alternate will each receive cash awards. The honor of reigning as the Pennsylvania Fair Queen will be for a period of one year. The cash awards will be in the form of higher education scholarships and will be presented upon verification of enrollment from the higher education institution.
6. All contestants must apply through their local fair.
It is a requirement that local fairs follow the rules set forth by the State Queen Committee in order to have a contestant in the state competition. It is the responsibility of the fair or the individual contestant to pay for the expenses involved in attending the state competition in January.
Our Platinum Sponsor
We are so grateful for the support of Albion Moose Lodge #381/481, who are committed to helping area youth and building stronger, healthier communities.
THE MOOSE FRATERNITY is an international organization of men and women dedicated to caring for young and old, bringing communities closer together and celebrating life.